All posts by kwoo

International Education

Thanks to Dr. Grace Pai (CUNY Guttman Community College) for her fall Diversity in STEM Science Colloquium presentation yesterday, Tuesday 10/29! (I couldn’t get the release out in time, as I was on the road, but I wanted to give her a shout out nonetheless). It was indeed awesome.

The Future of Calamari

Dr. Samantha Cheng (American Museum of Natural History) will deliver our next Diversity in STEM Science Colloquium talk!


The Past, Present, and Future of Calamari: Science of Sustainable Squid Fisheries

When: Tuesday, 10/08/19

Where: 325 Hudson St., Room 342

Time: 5-6PM

The Diversity in STEM series is supported by our SUNY ESC Student Awards Fund.

See you all there!

FYI: She also created an excellent kids video on cephalopods called the ‘ABCs of Cephalopods‘ with AMNH. Or, just watch it here:

Dolphins, Manatees, and Albino Mice

Last week we kicked off our Diversity in STEM Science Colloquium for our 10th (count them… 10!) iteration. Unlike colloquium series in the past, this colloquium is currently being held during the Fall 2019 term, as I will be away for sabbatical during the spring 2020 term. That means that the Colloquium will be back in the spring 2021 term.

First, thanks to Eric Ramos for presenting his work on the use of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) to study manatee and dolphin behavior in the Caribbean.


(P.S. – my students thoroughly enjoyed his profile.)


But, up next, we’re bringing back Dr. Punita Bhansali from the Department of Biological Sciences & Geology at CUNY Queensborough Community College to talk about her work on the evolution of mammalian visual systems.


What: ‘The Investigation of Factors that Guide the Formation of Mammalian Retina’

When: Tuesday, 9/24/19

Where: 325 Hudson St., Room 342

Time: 5-6PM

The Diversity in STEM series is supported by our SUNY ESC Student Awards Fund.

See you all there!

Homeless Microaggressions: Dr. Gina Torino

Back by popular demand, and for our last Women & Diversity in STEM Science Colloquium, ESC’s very own Dr. Gina Torino will present.

‘Homeless Microaggressions: Initial Scale Construction and Implications’



When: Tuesday, 4/16/19

Where: 3rd Floor MPR (Room 302; Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM

This is a ESC SAF support event. Food and light refreshments will be served.

See you all there!

Beyond Toto and Weezer: Dr. Grace Pai

Our first qualitative study in a long, long time.

Next up: Dr. Grace Pai (Assistant Professor of Mathematics) of CUNY Guttman Community College.

Education for All: Through the Eyes of those Out-of-School in Rural Sierra Leone



When: Tuesday, 4/02/19

Where: 3rd Floor MPR (Room 302; Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM

This is a ESC SAF support event. Food and light refreshments will be served.

See you all there!

C-SPEC Featured in Catapult Magazine

It’s been a busy week for C-SPEC and getting the good word out.

Thanks to Lenora Todaro for featuring our field work on pinnipeds, as well as the work of other fellow researchers and naturalists in the downstate area in the magazine Catapult. You can follow Lenora on twitter (@lenora_todaro) or on Instagram (@lenoratodaro).

Here’s the link to the wonderful article:

Screen shot 2019-03-26 at 8.00.53 AM


Beyond the Milky Way: Dr. Allyson Sheffield

I’m always looking forward to our Astrophysics seminar for the colloquium.

Next up: Dr. Allyson Sheffield from the Department of Natural Sciences at CUNY LaGuardia Community College.

Stars Around the Milky Way: Cosmic Space Invaders or Victims of Galactic Eviction?



When: Tuesday, 3/26/19

Where: Room 320 (Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM

This is a ESC SAF support event. Food and light refreshments will be served.

(And now… on my way upstate to our Annual All College Meeting. See you next week!).