Marine Fish: Dr. Kestrel Perez

After a short hiatus, we’re back!

Our next presenter is Dr. Kestrel Perez from the Department of Biology at St. Joseph’s College.

‘Growth rate and maternal investment: how important are these factors for marine fish?’



When: Tuesday, 3/12/19

Where: Room 320 (Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM

This is a ESC SAF support event. Food and light refreshments will be served.

See you all there!

Next Up: Dr. Allie Brashears!

Thanks to those who attended our first Women & Diversity in STEM colloquium by Dr. Punita Bhansali on Tuesday.

Next up: Dr. Allie Brashears from the Department of Natural Science at LaGuardia Community College!

From Calories to Color – How Energy Drives Evolution’



When: Tuesday, 1/22/19

Where: 3rd Floor MPR (Room 302; Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM

This is a ESC SAF support event. Food and light refreshments will be served.

See you all there!


Women & Diversity in STEM Colloquium: First up – Dr. Punita Bhansali

We’re back for the 9th (yes, count them – NINE!) Science Colloquium seminar series. This year, I am proud to host the Women & Diversity in STEM series, supported by the SUNY Empire State College Student Activity Fund!

Our first presenter is Dr. Punita Bhansali from the Department of Biological Science & Geology at CUNY Queensborough Community College.

‘The Investigation of Factors that Guide the Formation of Mammalian Retina’


With the SAF support, food and light refreshments will be served. See you all there!


When: Tuesday, 1/22/19

Where: 3rd Floor MPR (Room 302; Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM


Back by Popular Demand: Dr. Gina Torino

For our last presentation in the Women in STEM series, Dr. Gina Torino!


Gender Microaggressions Scale

Gender-based microaggressions refer to the subtle and often unconscious verbal, behavioral, and/or environmental indignities directed towards women. These daily experiences of sexism can range from very subtle to more overt, as in sexual harassment or unwanted touching. Because gender microaggressions cover a spectrum of experiences, a deeper understanding of this complex construct is needed. The purpose of the present study was to create a scale to measure gender microaggressions experienced by women. To do this, two studies were completed. In study 1, an exploratory factor analysis with principal components analysis was conducted to narrow down the initial themes and potential scale items. In study 2, a confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to determine the number of factors to be retained. Nine factors yielded a fit for the final measurement model: 1) Silencing; 2) Sexual Objectification; 3) Assumption of Lower Status Profession; 4) Denial of Societal Sexism; 5) Media’s Influence on Appearance; 6) Assumption of Domesticity; 7) Assertiveness = Bitchiness; 8) Assumption of Marriage/Children; and 9) Assumption of Gender Stereotyped Knowledge/Interests. Implications for counseling and future research directions are discussed.

When: Tuesday, 4/17/18

Where: Room 342 (Hudson St.)

Time: 4:45PM

Food and refreshments provided by ESC STEM Club! See you all there!

Round 2: Linda Jones is back!

Rescheduled talk from Dr. Linda Jones for our next Women in STEM Science Colloquium!

‘Use of dendroanalysis to identify, analyze, and reconstruct patterns of environmental change’


Date: Tuesday, 4/10/18

Time: 5-6PM

Location: Hudson St., Room 342


Evolution of Black Holes

Next in our Women in STEM Science Colloquium series, Dr. Jillian Bellovary (CUNY Queensborough Community College)!


Multimessenger Signatures of Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies

Inspired by the recent discovery of several nearby dwarf galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei, I will present results from a series of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations focusing on dwarf galaxies which host supermassive black holes (SMBHs).  Cosmological simulations are a vital tool for predicting SMBH populations and merger events which will eventually be observed by LISA.  Dwarf galaxies are the most numerous in the universe, so even though the occupation fraction of SMBHs in dwarfs is less than unity, their contribution to the gravitational wave background could be non-negligible.  I find that electromagnetic signatures from SMBH accretion are not common among most SMBH-hosting dwarfs, but the gravitational wave signatures can be substantial.  The most common mass ratio for SMBH mergers in low-mass galaxy environments is ~1:20, which is an unexplored region of gravitational waveform parameter space.  I will discuss the occupation fraction of SMBHs in low-mass galaxies as well as differences in field and satellite populations, providing clues to search for and characterize these elusive giants lurking in the dwarfs.



When: Tuesday, 3/27/18

Where: 3rd Floor MPR (Room 302; Hudson St.)

Time: 5-6PM

Reminds Me of My Teenage Years

Our second Women in STEM presentation will be delivered by Dr. Shana Caro (Columbia University)!


‘Dishonest offspring and neglectful parents’
In species where parents care for their offspring, success as a parent—and survival as an offspring—depend on parents’ correctly choosing how to distribute food. Many species have evolved elaborate begging displays and vocalizations to help guide this distribution of food. But families may be in conflict over how parents should split their investment: parents may prefer an even division of resources, or may prefer feeding either the strongest or weakest offspring, while individual offspring may prefer to get more than their fair share. My research looks at how this conflict shapes parent-offspring communication, which can tell us about the evolution of both communication systems and parental care.
When: Tuesday
Date: 02/13/18
Time: 5-6PM
Where: Hudson St. (Room 302)

Science Colloquium 2018: Women in STEM

It’s been a tumultuous couple of years, but I’m a little bit older, yet a little bit ahead of the game.

For this upcoming year, I’m proud to host the Women in STEM Science Colloquium series.

Our first presenter will be by Dr. Allie Brashears (CUNY LaGuardia Community College).


‘From Calories to Color – How Energy Drives Evolution’

Evolution acts on all life. The elegance of evolutionary theory lies in its ability to explain life’s magnificent diversity, from prehensile elephant trunks to furry beetle legs, in terms of the simple idea of differential reproductive success – or making more babies that survive than your neighbor. Yet reproduction takes energy, and especially for heterotrophs like animals, the ways in which they gain, lose, and spend energy can mean the difference between life and death, and thus fundamentally shape their behavior and physiology. My research questions focus on understanding these energetic interactions between animals and their environments, with the aim of providing insight into the mechanisms of evolution.

When: Tuesday, January 30th

Where: 325 Hudson St., 3rd Floor Multipurpose Room

Time: 5-6PM

The Runnin’ Colonials: A Visit to My Alma Mater

Thanks to Chris Paparo (Marine Sciences Center Manager at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences of SUNY Stony Brook Southampton) who invited me to speak at their seminar series last Friday evening on March 4th. Chris was a great host, and ultimately took me down memory lane with a tour of the old campus, and trading throwback stories of the good ol’days. Thanks to everybody who braved the questionable weather to come out and see my talk!

The Sound of the Harmonic Generator